How to Regrow Celery at Home

Did you know you can regrow celery from a store-bought (or farmer’s market-bought) bunch of celery?? I didn’t either until a few weeks ago when I came across this article from The Kitchn. As soon as I saw the photos of a cute little celery stalk regrowing from a base with the stalks cut off, I ran to my refrigerator to check out my celery situation. To my delight I had a bunch of celery one stalk away from being ready to regenerate! I put the last stalk to good use by dipping it in peanut butter then I placed the base in a small bowl filled with water about 1/2″ high and left it in the sunniest spot in my kitchen.
I may or may not have checked it every hour just to see if anything popped up (hey, I live in NYC so I take all the gardening opportunities I can get!) and I was very excited when I noticed the inner stalks add grown a couple of millimeters within the first 24 hours. By the third day the inner stalks had grown a full inch! *If you try this at home it’s important that you change the water out every couple of days.
By the sixth day the stalks had grown 3-4 inches and new leaves were sprouting left and right. At this point my little celery was ready to be transferred to a pot, so I planted it in soil and covered it so that only the inner stalks were sticking out.
After potting the celery, the growth seemed to slow down a bit but it’s definitely still growing. I’ve been watering it pretty generously about every other day.
At this point my little celery is still sprouting up more and more each day. According to a google image search, it looks like you can really grow quite the houseplant if you choose not to cut off the stalks- although if you do cut them they will continue to regenerate, how cool is that? I’ll definitely keep you guys updated on the regrowing progress! Incase you can’t tell, I’m totally over the moon with how easy and exciting this has been (once again, city-dweller alert) and I’m looking forward to regrowing other types of kitchen stayed tuned!

Love this post! very clever!