Colorful Kids: The Stress-Free Strategy for Raising Colorful Eaters is here!

I’m so thrilled to announce that my new course, Colorful Kids: The Stress-Free Strategy for Raising Colorful Eaters is finally here!!

Enroll now!

After years of sharing recipes in my cookbooks and on here on the blog, I’m finally giving you the the behind-the-scenes details of exactly how I’m raising my girls to be colorful eaters and how I cook for my family without losing my sanity.

Colorful Kids is full of straight-forward strategies, tangible tips and delicious, plant-based recipes that will help you help your little one establish a healthy, empowered relationship with real, nutritious food.

As a busy parent myself, I know you want to get the info from the program and get cooking, which is why I’ve broken down the content to be as straightforward as possible. Simply listen to (or read) each chapter’s info, then print out and post the cheat sheets on your fridge to have easy reminders of your new strategies.

Here’s how the program is broken down:

  • Bite-size (5ish minute) audio chapter for each section
  • A written transcript of the audio for each section
  • Printable cheat sheets
  • Printable plant-based ebook with 40+ recipes

Here’s a peek at a few cheat sheets…

Who is Colorful Kids for?

  • Parents who want to feed their family a (mostly) plant-based diet but don’t know where to begin. We’re going to cover it all, from the actual recipes your family will love, to simple strategies that will get your kids interested in a wide range of colorful, healthful food.
  • New mamas (and papas!) looking for guidance on exactly how to introduce their baby to solid food. I’ll walk you through the steps of giving your baby their first solid food, and help you learn how to listen and respond to their feeding cues.
  • Parents who are tired about stressing over what to make for dinner. Say goodbye to stress! I’ll share all my go-to family favorite recipes.
  • Parents who are struggle with getting their kids to eat vegetables. In addition to delicious recipes, I’m going to share my simple, straightforward strategies that will help encourage your little one to explore new foods.
  • Parents of babies and kids under 4-years-old. The course will start with how to introduce your baby to solids and cover strategies and recipes for kids up to 4-years-old (and beyond!).
  • Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians and omnivores! All of the recipes are 100% plant-based, but the strategies are applicable to families of all dietary preferences.

Enroll now!

Colorful Kids will cover:

  • exactly what you can do to make feeding your family stress-free
  • why the way babies are introduced to solids establishes their lifelong relationship with food
  • how to introduce your baby to solid foods
  • why it’s critical to not make food “good” or bad”
  • what you can do to help your kids create a healthy relationship with real food
  • how to talk to your kids about food without praise or punishment
  • why it’s important for your kids to have autonomy about what goes in their body
  • how you can continue to help them foster a healthy, empowered relationship with real food
  • what you can do to lead by example when it comes to food

Enroll now!

Wondering if the program is right for you? Click here to get all the details or send an email to with any questions!

Enrollment is only open until Saturday 2/28!

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